Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite Message Board

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Further to my posting on Fri March 7th 4:06pm...... I would like to make FULL disclosure on this forum for all read for yourselves and form your own personal opinion..... As mentioned in the above noted posting the Private message on this forum site adds a whole new twist to a forum site and WILL change this site... Keep laughing Tommy but I ask you.... Think of what is driving the net market today... Needless to say  Email,messanger,Facebook etc... All private communications... I still stand by my comment that private message may very well start to take away from activity on forums... You can now simply talk about Shania in private... Maybe your laughter is now becoming a "nervous" laugh.

ANYHOW... I would like to make it public that after several back and forth private messages with a certain member since this site started up, that I have been asked to STOP sending private messages... Needless to say... My private messages to that member stopped at once and will never resume..... BUT.... Did I make the right choice or did I bail.... Before you judge REALLY think it out...
A member(any member) joins Tommy's... They quickly find out...WOW... There is a private message tool that allows anyone to send me a private message at anytime... At that point they can decide never to log on again.... BUT... They choose to anyway and become a regular... Now as time goes by the member decides I don't like your private messages anymore,and even though Tommy's allows private messages insists that they cease.... Now stay with me here... On regular forms... We all hear the comments... you are pathetic,find a life, you are lying, and so on... Nothing new there as we all know... Is that allowed? ...Sure is... Just read the current postings...BUT.... Don't you dare say that to me on private message even though I signed up for private messages when I joined the club.

ANYHOW... As always nothing is totally cut and dried... Having said that if any other members would like me to stop private messages just let me know.. As far as you folks sending me private messages...Keep them coming... You have my FULL permission to verbally go at me every bit as much on private as regular forums... Remember... I signed up for it... Bob



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Why are you SO obsessed with this message board and its members??? Quit telling people what to do.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets



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Actually Tommy, I really don't see where I told anybody what to do. It's all in your perception. Welcome to the REAL world where we are ALL takin on from time to time... You just aren't used to it are you



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You ALWAYS have a problem with people Private Messaging instead of posting on the message board. If people want to PM, who cares!


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets



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Again Tommy....You just don't get me... Instead of trying to look at my comment of private messaging as a way to keep the site strong and healthy as apposed to email like private messages you choose to attack me,laugh at me,insult me... I find it very unusual that with all my comments/opinions for AND against members nobody on this site has ever launched the personal attack on me as you have. I would suggest that every single member/guest etc knows what I TRY to bring to this site.. They might not like me in some cases but I would suggest or at least hope that they know my intentions are good. What do I get from you... Comments such as.... You are the sites biggest problem, Bob you just get funnier and funnier,and the biggest joke ever..well at least I don't spend all my time posting to forum sites... Tommy....Grow up...You are starting to sound like someone who just can't take any personal shots.. As I said...You are a forums member and in my opnion are subject to the same treatment as all...If you want to review my postings... I thank you,I compliment you,I go after you...Just like my history on this site will show...Try to find a single regular forum member that at one point or another,that I have not done the same thing to...Having said that...None of them on a REGULAR basis attack me like you....And I am not the only one who knows it...Bob



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I don't attack you. Some of your posts are just so demanding!


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets



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In closing Tommy ....You need to make a decision...Either I am a major contributor to the site and or major problem....  Up to now there are only 2 members on this site(you being one) that I figure have no use for me... What I find intresting, is it will never matter how many new guests that I am the first to welcome , how many possibly intresting posts I make,no matter how hard I try to find stuff for fellow members and so one....WHY??..... I think deep down inside you BOTH know why..   Bob



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Idon't have a problem with YOU. I agree, you do make interesting posts. The only time I have a problem with someone is when they try to force their opinions, thoughts, etc. on other members. For example, if someone only makes a post every so often (like I do), that does not give you the right to start saying stuff like "you should contribute to the board more than you do."


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets



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First of all...Thank you for saying that .. As far as pushing hard(maybe too hard at times)...You are right....BUT.... Try to understand last Thursay from my view... Not a normal day on this site to say the least. To have member(s) who claim to love Shania log on...realize what is going on and then logs off giving nothing to the site as far as support or anything...What the hell is that..Either the member  is all talk no action or a member that is running off to another site to take part in the action... As I have said... I am a Shania fan and a Tommys fan and either members are with me or not... Tommy, I really am not generally bull headed... This whole site has seen me freak out only to log on and say...Sorry... I was wrong... Having said that I just can't back down on my position on this one.... Bob




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Thank you for your vote of confidence on this matter...Since I have not been notified by anyone else since this posting I will carry on my private message activities in the same manner as in past... Of course,the exception to this is the one member that requested I not send them.. Having said that it would appear that this particular member has left us anyways....Bob




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Sat March 15  5:11pm posting made by myself(above scroll).... I am somewhat disappointed that I did not get any guidance with reguards to a thought that I threw out to members with respect to how to use ,or not to use the message board... If you simply scroll up you can read this posting.. If you choose to reply  maybe read again this posting before you reply back to me...EXAMPLE.... Sometimes you just get sick of a members way of conducting themselves on this forum site. SO...Keeping in mind that I signed on to this site knowing there is a private message tool I ask this question... Is there anything wrong with this private message???????.  Hi Bob.. You are acting like a total jerk.. You try to push your thoughts on everyone.  Personally I think you are a total big act and really have no love for Shania at all. Actually I personally think you are just a sad person with nothing better to do... Please stop boring us and move on....... NOW..... No such message ever happened and actually the privates I get are generally very supportive... I used this angry private message as just an example... Maybe the sender just has the manners to not want to attack me on forums and has the guts and manners to do it in private...   Your feelings would be appreciated. If I recieved such a private message would it be in order with site rules or not... Thanks Bob



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The following is a code of conduct from the STC board, I think all members who visit Tommy's board, should stick to this and if they can't, they shouldn't be allowed to post in the first place:

3) Please treat fellow members of the board, guests, and celebrities under discussion with respect. This means, for example, refraining from rudeness or harmful comments, and not putting overly large images into your signature, since this slows down the loading of the page for many people without high-speed internet access.

Please be aware that failure to follow the above guidelines may result in the deletion of all or part of your message or a closing of the thread by the moderators. In extreme cases, board members may be barred temporarily or permanently from further participation.

-- Edited by twain2country at 13:40, 2008-10-07


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Amanda.................I can't resist this one........See me in the corner..Bobby boy



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I did.


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twain2country wrote:

The following is a code of conduct from the STC board, I think all members who visit Tommy's board, should stick to this and if they can't, they shouldn't be allowed to post in the first place:

3) Please treat fellow members of the board, guests, and celebrities under discussion with respect. This means, for example, refraining from rudeness or harmful comments, and not putting overly large images into your signature, since this slows down the loading of the page for many people without high-speed internet access.

Please be aware that failure to follow the above guidelines may result in the deletion of all or part of your message or a closing of the thread by the moderators. In extreme cases, board members may be barred temporarily or permanently from further participation.

-- Edited by twain2country at 13:40, 2008-10-07

Yeah, but rules are dull.biggrin I happen to like the fact that you can speak your mind on this board unlike the other boards you mention. You can talk about better things than her pretty hair or how sweet she is. Tommy should be congratulted for having a message board where you can speak your mind without getting banned. I've been on the Forums the last couple of months and to be honest I've got bored of the place and the sterile debate over there. I think I'm going to post more on here and try to create some debate with Kevy and Bobby and the others who don't follow the pack.



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Expressing your opinion is a good thing when its limited somehow because what I see here is a list of threads with blaming on Shania how bad she is (was it necessary to make some threads about the same things?). You express our opinion, argue a lot because you can't have similar opinions but you forget to respect the person this site and forum are dedicated to and you even end up reading such things as "Don't waste your time on Shania! She doesn't respect you". Is it an expression of an opinion or is it an attempt to appeal and to make other people think and do the same? Because these things are different and what I personally see here isnt just the expression of opinion.

-- Edited by Tanya at 20:30, 2008-10-14



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Tanya wrote:

Expressing your opinion is a good thing when its limited somehow because what I see here is a list of threads with blaming on Shania how bad she is (was it necessary to make some threads about the same things?). You express our opinion, argue a lot because you can't have similar opinions but you forget to respect the person this site and forum are dedicated to and you even end up reading such things as "Don't waste your time on Shania! She doesn't respect you". Is it an expression of an opinion or is it an attempt to appeal and to make other people think and do the same? Because these things are different and what I personally see here isnt just the expression of opinion.

-- Edited by Tanya at 20:30, 2008-10-14

I think what  bothers you is that long time fans like me and others have been down on Shania the last few years. The facts are that we all have opinions and they should not be limited.Nobody is saying Shania is a horrible person, we are all fans of her music. But Shania Twain has not been a fan friendly artist and us fans can comment on her music career.
When real long time fans get down on Shania then you know there is something wrong.
I will be the first  to defend Shania if she showed one bit of sign of life in the last 5 years but us fans have been mislead and that bothers some fans so they vent their opinion.



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I must get this off my chest, but I can't believe the types of things which are being allowed to be posted on this message board and all the constant bickering.



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No disrespect to Tommy, who I think is a great guy.  But this forum has become a joke. It's become the "Kevy Bitch & Whine" forum, not the "Tommy's Shania SuperSite Forum".



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Well put, this is no reflection on what Tommy does as a whole with his site, it's just the message board which is the problem.



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I am just curious, why is the message board a problem.
Should we all be limited in what we can say and our opinion.
I tried to follow the rules and I have followed the rules more than most here.
People have called me names for my opinion.
And you can't say I am not a Shania fan because I have defended her for years.
Lets all get what the rules are so we can all follow them. Because all I know is that some people here have slandered me and called me names and got no warning.
If you want to shape how the message board is run then participate and add something postive if you can find it.
If you want me to go which you do then I will do so. But this board is dead and there is no news coming and won't be for a while.



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People like you for a start, STF1 put that into perspective.



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OH please nobody put anything in perseptive.STF1(Hardy) hasn't said anything that wasn't said before. He doesn't think we should ever question Shania and he thinks we should praise her and just be thankful she blesses us with her music.Now that is way over the top being a friend.
He never once mentioned how Shania should be lucky to have such great fans who support her and that Shania should should be grateful.
He also didn't directly answer many question some fans have.
I disagree with most of what he says but I respect him for making his point of view, thats what a free country does.
Don't you have the same rights in the U.K.?


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I thought I would pop back and see if I had been misquoted, it appears so! Firstly, I never said I was Hardy, be careful what you go around saying people have said when they haven't. Do not put words into my mouth, I do not appreciate you telling people I have said things I have not. You interpret things very poorly and conveniently make things up to suit your anti-Shania stance. I do not have to mention Shania being lucky to have great fans, we all know she loves her fans and is thankful to have such good fans, she has said this many times. I answered all questions asked yesterday, not that I had to.

I have received lots of messages and e-mails telling me you are a well known anti-Shania "person" posing as a fan and have been banned from many other well known message boards. You keep attempting to rejoin to cause trouble across the Shania community. I find that to be a very sad fact, considering you are so busy as you keep trying to have us believe! You have some kind of agenda, I dont know and I dont care what it is but I suggest people ignore it, I'm amazed you are still allowed to post here given your personal abuse to other members.

Message boards may be central to some people's daily routine in checking the news or talking with friends, but in actual fact the number of fans who regularly use them is very small. Of millions of fans only a few thousand are known to be active on message boards, so when anti-Shania "fans" think they are damaging the artist, all they are actually doing is wasting their own time and making the true fans more determined.



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STF1 is spot-on with his analysis of Kevy.

Why Tommy hasn't banned an obnoxious troublemaker like Kevy is beyond me. This message board used to be worth coming to. But Kevy's ridiculous behaviour has completely ruined this board for alot of people.

-- Edited by UpUpUp at 17:56, 2008-10-17



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STF1 wrote:

I thought I would pop back and see if I had been misquoted, it appears so! Firstly, I never said I was Hardy, be careful what you go around saying people have said when they haven't. Do not put words into my mouth, I do not appreciate you telling people I have said things I have not. You interpret things very poorly and conveniently make things up to suit your anti-Shania stance. I do not have to mention Shania being lucky to have great fans, we all know she loves her fans and is thankful to have such good fans, she has said this many times. I answered all questions asked yesterday, not that I had to.

I have received lots of messages and e-mails telling me you are a well known anti-Shania "person" posing as a fan and have been banned from many other well known message boards. You keep attempting to rejoin to cause trouble across the Shania community. I find that to be a very sad fact, considering you are so busy as you keep trying to have us believe! You have some kind of agenda, I dont know and I dont care what it is but I suggest people ignore it, I'm amazed you are still allowed to post here given your personal abuse to other members.

Message boards may be central to some people's daily routine in checking the news or talking with friends, but in actual fact the number of fans who regularly use them is very small. Of millions of fans only a few thousand are known to be active on message boards, so when anti-Shania "fans" think they are damaging the artist, all they are actually doing is wasting their own time and making the true fans more determined.

Thanks for popping back, we appreciate you taking the time. Fans just thought you may be Hardy, but you have now cleared this up.

-- Edited by twain2country at 18:07, 2008-10-17



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STF1 wrote:

I thought I would pop back and see if I had been misquoted, it appears so! Firstly, I never said I was Hardy, be careful what you go around saying people have said when they haven't. Do not put words into my mouth, I do not appreciate you telling people I have said things I have not. You interpret things very poorly and conveniently make things up to suit your anti-Shania stance. I do not have to mention Shania being lucky to have great fans, we all know she loves her fans and is thankful to have such good fans, she has said this many times. I answered all questions asked yesterday, not that I had to.

I have received lots of messages and e-mails telling me you are a well known anti-Shania "person" posing as a fan and have been banned from many other well known message boards. You keep attempting to rejoin to cause trouble across the Shania community. I find that to be a very sad fact, considering you are so busy as you keep trying to have us believe! You have some kind of agenda, I dont know and I dont care what it is but I suggest people ignore it, I'm amazed you are still allowed to post here given your personal abuse to other members.

Message boards may be central to some people's daily routine in checking the news or talking with friends, but in actual fact the number of fans who regularly use them is very small. Of millions of fans only a few thousand are known to be active on message boards, so when anti-Shania "fans" think they are damaging the artist, all they are actually doing is wasting their own time and making the true fans more determined.

You sir, don't have a clue about me and what you are saying is total lies and slander. I don't give hoot who emailed you, they are full of garbage.
I have been a know Shania fan since 1993 and have defended her on the cmt boards when she released her UP album and people were bashing her.
It is a total lie to say I am anti Shania when I am her biggest fan of her music.
And for you to come on this board and slander me this way when you have no clue about me tells me more about you.
I don't give hoot who you are, you came on this board and didnt' indentify yourself and said you know more than everyone. We can only guess who  you are and frankly and don't care.You seem to have the same arrogant attitude as Shania and her management team.
To say I am anti Shania is the most funny thing ever since I  have been known to defend her against bashers.
I have been down on her the last 3 years because of what I think she has taken advantage of the fans, that is my opinion, it is a free country.
And those who say I am not a Shania fan are lying.
Some fans can't take any negative talk about Shania and honesty and they turn around and say I am a basher which is not true.
So don't come on this board calling me names and slandering me and saying you know who I am. Because those who don't agree with me will say lies about me.
I have advised Tommy that after today I will leave this board for good because I don't want to cause problems among the clique.I respect his board too much to upset the immature people who can't take different views.
But make no mistake I am a Shania fan and always will be and will buy her next album.My opinions of her lately are negative and rightfully so but that is my opinion. AS for her music,I love it and will buy it but I don't whorship her and think she is above being questioned.
So don't pretend to know my motive or who I am either because you are dead wrong.



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Kevy I will stick up for you and say that yes you were a strong defender of Shania amongst bashers, you and I know each other on may sites and blogs. Although it was never easy even then, you bring the worst out of people and you turned off many people from Shania with your comments and attacks on other artists and their fans. Now what you are doing here amongst the Shania fan community is totally wrong. Get a grip and stop being such a pest. Your point is more than clear that it doesn't have to go on and on, but you like the attention.

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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2ndAmendment wrote:

Kevy I will stick up for you and say that yes you were a strong defender of Shania amongst bashers, you and I know each other on may sites and blogs. Although it was never easy even then, you bring the worst out of people and you turned off many people from Shania with your comments and attacks on other artists and their fans. Now what you are doing here amongst the Shania fan community is totally wrong. Get a grip and stop being such a pest. Your point is more than clear that it doesn't have to go on and on, but you like the attention.

Thanks for that and I respect you for that for telling  the truth. I do agree that my comments being repeated get on peoples nerves.Thats why I have told Tommy that I will leave after today and not post here anymore. I know my posts rub people the wrong way and some don't like my opinion.
I respect Tommy's site to continue this.
I will still buy her music.
I have been hard on you too but I guess my style just rubs people the wrong way.


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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

You sir, don't have a clue about me and what you are saying is total lies and slander. I don't give hoot who emailed you, they are full of garbage.
I have been a know Shania fan since 1993 and have defended her on the cmt boards when she released her UP album and people were bashing her.
It is a total lie to say I am anti Shania when I am her biggest fan of her music.
And for you to come on this board and slander me this way when you have no clue about me tells me more about you.
I don't give hoot who you are, you came on this board and didnt' indentify yourself and said you know more than everyone. We can only guess who  you are and frankly and don't care.You seem to have the same arrogant attitude as Shania and her management team.
To say I am anti Shania is the most funny thing ever since I  have been known to defend her against bashers.
I have been down on her the last 3 years because of what I think she has taken advantage of the fans, that is my opinion, it is a free country.
And those who say I am not a Shania fan are lying.
Some fans can't take any negative talk about Shania and honesty and they turn around and say I am a basher which is not true.
So don't come on this board calling me names and slandering me and saying you know who I am. Because those who don't agree with me will say lies about me.
I have advised Tommy that after today I will leave this board for good because I don't want to cause problems among the clique.I respect his board too much to upset the immature people who can't take different views.
But make no mistake I am a Shania fan and always will be and will buy her next album.My opinions of her lately are negative and rightfully so but that is my opinion. AS for her music,I love it and will buy it but I don't whorship her and think she is above being questioned.
So don't pretend to know my motive or who I am either because you are dead wrong.

The fact you think I am Hardy proves it is actually you who has no fan would do what you do to Shania and her real fans.



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STF1 wrote:

EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

You sir, don't have a clue about me and what you are saying is total lies and slander. I don't give hoot who emailed you, they are full of garbage.
I have been a know Shania fan since 1993 and have defended her on the cmt boards when she released her UP album and people were bashing her.
It is a total lie to say I am anti Shania when I am her biggest fan of her music.
And for you to come on this board and slander me this way when you have no clue about me tells me more about you.
I don't give hoot who you are, you came on this board and didnt' indentify yourself and said you know more than everyone. We can only guess who  you are and frankly and don't care.You seem to have the same arrogant attitude as Shania and her management team.
To say I am anti Shania is the most funny thing ever since I  have been known to defend her against bashers.
I have been down on her the last 3 years because of what I think she has taken advantage of the fans, that is my opinion, it is a free country.
And those who say I am not a Shania fan are lying.
Some fans can't take any negative talk about Shania and honesty and they turn around and say I am a basher which is not true.
So don't come on this board calling me names and slandering me and saying you know who I am. Because those who don't agree with me will say lies about me.
I have advised Tommy that after today I will leave this board for good because I don't want to cause problems among the clique.I respect his board too much to upset the immature people who can't take different views.
But make no mistake I am a Shania fan and always will be and will buy her next album.My opinions of her lately are negative and rightfully so but that is my opinion. AS for her music,I love it and will buy it but I don't whorship her and think she is above being questioned.
So don't pretend to know my motive or who I am either because you are dead wrong.

The fact you think I am Hardy proves it is actually you who has no fan would do what you do to Shania and her real fans.

I  really don't care who you are. You obviously are full of it thinking I am not a fan. Not all fans have to worship the artist and never question them.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


2ndAmendment wrote:

Kevy I will stick up for you and say that yes you were a strong defender of Shania amongst bashers, you and I know each other on may sites and blogs. Although it was never easy even then, you bring the worst out of people and you turned off many people from Shania with your comments and attacks on other artists and their fans. Now what you are doing here amongst the Shania fan community is totally wrong. Get a grip and stop being such a pest. Your point is more than clear that it doesn't have to go on and on, but you like the attention.

Thanks for that and I respect you for that for telling  the truth. I do agree that my comments being repeated get on peoples nerves.Thats why I have told Tommy that I will leave after today and not post here anymore. I know my posts rub people the wrong way and some don't like my opinion.
I respect Tommy's site to continue this.
I will still buy her music.
I have been hard on you too but I guess my style just rubs people the wrong way.


You and I go back a long ways, and there were good moments and bad, and even though in recent years we can't get along we've had private yet respectable conversations on another site.  Then our opinions of Shania grew further apart to the point you said you lost some respect for me.  That's fair, you can't win over everyone.  And in all those years I friendly suggested you to lighten up on your style and work on not rubbing people the way you do, fans and non fans.  But I guess you are who you are.  Sometimes I wish you would stop and think.

And I think you know I find most of your reactions to my postings laughable, I take it with a grain of salt, humor.  Oh what would the world be without you Alberta boy, lol?


Shania - Modern Country Queen


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2ndAmendment wrote:

EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

2ndAmendment wrote:

Kevy I will stick up for you and say that yes you were a strong defender of Shania amongst bashers, you and I know each other on may sites and blogs. Although it was never easy even then, you bring the worst out of people and you turned off many people from Shania with your comments and attacks on other artists and their fans. Now what you are doing here amongst the Shania fan community is totally wrong. Get a grip and stop being such a pest. Your point is more than clear that it doesn't have to go on and on, but you like the attention.

Thanks for that and I respect you for that for telling  the truth. I do agree that my comments being repeated get on peoples nerves.Thats why I have told Tommy that I will leave after today and not post here anymore. I know my posts rub people the wrong way and some don't like my opinion.
I respect Tommy's site to continue this.
I will still buy her music.
I have been hard on you too but I guess my style just rubs people the wrong way.

You and I go back a long ways, and there were good moments and bad, and even though in recent years we can't get along we've had private yet respectable conversations on another site.  Then our opinions of Shania grew further apart to the point you said you lost some respect for me.  That's fair, you can't win over everyone.  And in all those years I friendly suggested you to lighten up on your style and work on not rubbing people the way you do, fans and non fans.  But I guess you are who you are.  Sometimes I wish you would stop and think.

And I think you know I find most of your reactions to my postings laughable, I take it with a grain of salt, humor.  Oh what would the world be without you Alberta boy, lol?

I think you summed it up pretty well. We just have different styles and you are more patient than me.
Thanks for at least showing me the respect by telling the truth.



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What are old friend or enemies or whatever we are for, lol...

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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I must admit I am fed up of all the rude and harmful comments about Shania, which are still being allowed to be posted on this board (regardless of whether people think she has brought this on herself).

As a moderator, Tommy, you have a responsibility to remove members who do not abide by the rules, after all other boards (such as the STNAOFC or STC) would not tolerate this. I'm stunned that certain people who have previously been banned, are able to come back and sign in using a different username. Again other board moderators would check their IP addresses and have their access to such boards, withdrawn.

Is this meant to be a fan site celebrating Shania? Because all I quite frankly see is negativity and any old excuse to bash her. Even before the story at JFK airport broke, people were on her case about almost anything. If they think she's not worthy of any praise or admiration, why do they bother to even care what Shania is, or isn't doing and more importantly what's the purpose of them being here and wasting their time on a star who they consider not to give a stuff about her fans or isn't passionate about recording music anymore.

-- Edited by twain2country at 18:04, 2008-12-08



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I banned grape grower yesterday.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets


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Posts: 2066

I know you did and I am sure there are some who are grateful for doing that.

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