It seems Shania and her family treasure their privacy.( Which is only right) The coverage of that new trail on their property might really scare them a little. It looks very remote there and the pictures of her taken that day have titles that say take a walk on Shania's property! I bet she wished she had never gone there that day out of the kindness of her heart. If she comes back on the scene it could attract even more publicity. She should move back to Canada where her family and roots are and just have a career like Anne Murray. I wonder how the health of her family is? For whatever reasons she's not visible , she is missed and above all I hope that she is happy.
Hey Linda... Actually your comment on health I have to admit enters my mind alot.. It is something that we all have concerns about and just because you are rich and famous does not make one immune.. Needless to say there is no basis that I am personally aware of to support this but I have no issue with saying that it concerns me.. It is no different than having the same kind of concern for a friend.. It is just that when nothing makes sense to me, between CD's as to why so long it crosses my mind at times...Bob
both you right, and having a concern about shania's and her family's health only tells me that we really care for her . she's not just a star is also a human being and i really hope everything is fine.
Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.
I can't add anything else as well. I am really hoping the delay is only because Mutt and Shania want this next cd to be her best. Mutt is known to take long times with albums.