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RE: Shania and Frederic - Magazine coverage

ktsthegame wrote:


The article/scans are now on,,20252102,00.html


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Why won't the press let this go?



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Because the press does not let anything go for any celebrity. Shania is no different. She is in fact pretty lucky with how the press has treated her. I mean, she says that she does not want Eja photographed and over the years, we have had only a handful of pics of him. She is pretty much left alone. Some other celebs and their kids are not as lucky.



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That comes with the territory of being a public figure, you can clearly see why Shania likes to escape the fame. I think she handles herself well for the most part. Like she has said in interviews, she's only comfortable revealing what she wants to and doesn't mind being photographed as long as it's in a comfortably controlled environment.



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I think her move to Switzerland is why she stayed out of the press,before the move she was getting hit pretty hard in the tabloids like most celbs.


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Exactly... I think her move to Switzerland had alot to do with it...

But the press get one thing about her (like her & Fred), & they can't stop talking about it... like come on!
& I'm sure the press are going crazy right now not knowing where she is.



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shaniafan339 wrote:

Exactly... I think her move to Switzerland had alot to do with it...

But the press get one thing about her (like her & Fred), & they can't stop talking about it... like come on!
& I'm sure the press are going crazy right now not knowing where she is.

Her move  Swtzerland ending up messing her life up more than ever. Isolated and a ruined marriage.
There are serveral big stars who live in the States and never get bothered. Just stay out of contaversy.
John Tavolta for many year raised a great family and had a balanced life with  family and career and he didn't have to  hide like a hermit to do this.
Big deal, the press says things about everyone. The press has really actually been good to Shania since the start.
She was never followed even when she was living in New York.
She just couldn't  handle the little bit of attention she got from the talboids and used that as an excuse to run away.
Some can handle it and some can't.
Just like some can handle career and family and some can't.



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You forget about the helicopters flying over their Adirondacks estate all the time and ruining their privacy, and their work in their recording studio?

You make so many assumptions and ridiculous statements you are beyond unbelievable methinks.



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I don't forget any of that and there wasn't much of that at all.
It was overblown by some fans. Maybe one time.
I am just pointing out that her move to Switzerland was the worse thing ever for her life and her career.
She could of moved in Canada where we would respect her privacy.
running away from everything was over the top since she wasn't bothered like other celebs who are always in contraversy.
Attention from time to time is part of the business.
the facts don't lie. She moved to Switzerland, got and isolated and lonely and had her marriage being ruined and lost all contact with fans and her peers who supported her in the business.
Even Dolly Parton was asked if she would do a new duet with Shania because Shania would love to do a duet with her. and Dolly saidd," tell her to get her butt over here in nashville and I would love to record a duet with her". She said this on CMT canada interview.
And I am not talking about the coat of many colors tribute song that Shania recorded in Swiztzerland by protools and sent over to Nashville.
I am talking about talk of a new duet that Shania wanted to do with Dolly.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

I don't forget any of that and there wasn't much of that at all.
It was overblown by some fans. Maybe one time.
I am just pointing out that her move to Switzerland was the worse thing ever for her life and her career.
She could of moved in Canada where we would respect her privacy.
running away from everything was over the top since she wasn't bothered like other celebs who are always in contraversy.
Attention from time to time is part of the business.
the facts don't lie. She moved to Switzerland, got and isolated and lonely and had her marriage being ruined and lost all contact with fans and her peers who supported her in the business.
Even Dolly Parton was asked if she would do a new duet with Shania because Shania would love to do a duet with her. and Dolly saidd," tell her to get her butt over here in nashville and I would love to record a duet with her". She said this on CMT canada interview.
And I am not talking about the coat of many colors tribute song that Shania recorded in Swiztzerland by protools and sent over to Nashville.
I am talking about talk of a new duet that Shania wanted to do with Dolly. now we are getting to the root of your discontent...Shania forsook Canada for your many endless rants and raves are starting to make just a little more sense...what else do you want to confess about your dislike of the way she has lived her life and times, eh?



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You obviously don't understand anything at all. This has nothing to do with living in Canada.
This has to do with the excuses some of her more gullable fans use as to why she went to Switzerlandd.
Her move to Switzerland ruined her marriage and possibly her career and she lost many friends over this. She totally isolated herself from everyone. Even her family was upset at her at one point.
I am just commenting at how some people are trying to defend why she moved to Switzerland and it ended up being bad for her life and her marriage and career.
Instead of your over the top defense of Shania maybe look at all sides and point of views.
She is not a God and is not above being questioned.
She has every right to live where she wants in a free society and we have every right to give an opinion on her.
I will always be a fan of her music but the she has not set a good example of how to live a balanced normal life in my opinion.



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I understand what you are saying but disagree with most of it but that is no big deal,

And gullible is not the word I would use. Most Shania fans could care less about her private life. I for one love her music first and foremost and always will.

Most normal Shania fans do not spend most of their lives on dozens of message boards provoking other fans trying to convince them that only you know what is best for Shania and her family and friends.

Most Shania fans do not think she is a goddess or God and that she walks on water.

For every Shania fan on the message boards their are tens of millions who go about their lives not even knowing what is happening in her life and not even thinking about when her new album is coming out.

But they will buy it when it arrives. And love it as they loved her previous works.

I am not sure why you think you have to always be right but it is interesting to see you go about your business.

Carry on.



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And I am sure if I was a celeb who needed the public and the fans for my career, then I would be subject to all types of comments about me and my career.
I also do believe many fans do think Shania can do no wrong and walks on water. They think she is above being questioned about anything.
You say you care about her music. But how much of a body of work does she have, only 3 albums of her own writing? and only 2 tours in her whole career. I am a fan of her music too and this lack of music makes you wonder if she was ever passionate about music.
So all I care about is music first too but there has been no music from Shania in many years.
I have a job and relationship like many people and it doesn't take much posting on a message board when your work revolves around marketing and the computer.
I don't think I am always right but my style is one of arrogance and I come across that way.

And you assume that everyone will buy her music when it comes out. I hope you are right but for some reason I feel there will be a backlash.
And people have rarely seen her in many years and will think she was retired and there won't be the buzz that should be expected from such a big star.It wouldn't of hurt Shania to make a few mainstream appearances in the public over the years to show she is still around. But she thinks she can just jump in and people will fall in love with her again. I as a fan hope so but have a feeling she and the label will be in for a big surprise for misleading the fans and ingnoring them for years.

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy at 15:26, 2009-01-19



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You do an awful lot of assuming. You know what happens when you do thusly.

You have no idea what Shania thinks, nor her tens of millions of fans throughout the world.

She lives her life as she sees fit.

Her fans for the most part know she is only human and do not dwell on every tabloid item or photo that becomes available - like you seem to - and some others - and try to analyze them to death.

You constantly make big deals out of really nothing.

But you seem to be a little more rational nowadays than in the past.

Time will tell if this is a passing fantasy or a real change.



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Yes i know celbs that live in the USA never get divorced or have problems in there life, the only reason Shania got divorced is because she moved to Switzerland lol. Celbs never leave the spotlight and then make comebacks, i would point out the guy you referrer to John Tavolta was big in the 70's he did nothing big in the 80's than made a big comeback in the 90's .And again kevy i thought you only cared about her music.



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I think Shania will come out with a great cd and it will be a multiplatinum singer. Look how long the Eagles, Bruce Springsteen, AC/DC etc went without cds and they all went multiplatinum. Of courese these artists sold no where near what they use to sell but they all still went multiplatinum . Nowadays if a cd sells 3 million copy it is a huge hit. No I think it will sell well.



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PurplePeopleEater wrote:

You do an awful lot of assuming. You know what happens when you do thusly.

You have no idea what Shania thinks, nor her tens of millions of fans throughout the world.

She lives her life as she sees fit.

Her fans for the most part know she is only human and do not dwell on every tabloid item or photo that becomes available - like you seem to - and some others - and try to analyze them to death.

You constantly make big deals out of really nothing.

But you seem to be a little more rational nowadays than in the past.

Time will tell if this is a passing fantasy or a real change.

I tell as I see it. And I would say I am more rational that the over the top shania fans you see at the shaniaforums.
This is just a message board, nobody takes this stuff home with them or they shouldn't.
And Shania is not above being questioned in any way some fan sees fit.
I assume like tens of millions of other people. You need to lighten up and not be so bothered by what others think.
You judge others because they don't share your views of life. That is not a healthly way of living.



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Not judging you - just telling you what I think of some of the things you post.



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Since you have been banned from the shaniaforums repeatedly I am not sure you are very fair in your assessment of their members - many who post here also.



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PurplePeopleEater wrote:

Since you have been banned from the shaniaforums repeatedly I am not sure you are very fair in your assessment of their members - many who post here also.

I wouldnt' go judging by who gets banned or not at the shaniaforums lol!!!!
You will find serveral Shania fans have been banned there for voicing their opinion.
You just can't take others opinions like the mods at the shaniaforums.
They go and cry about how Tommy is invading Shania's privacy by posting talboid pictures but yet they  come over here and view it and read it themselves lol!!!!
Maybe you would feel more comfortable being dictated what to say like at the shaniaforums.
Chow for now!!



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Why do you feel the need to be so arrogant and over the top with your posts?



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PurplePeopleEater wrote:

Why do you feel the need to be so arrogant and over the top with your posts?

Thats kevy's style.



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No reason eh? Just your style?


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Come on now... lets get along!



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That is kind of hard at times when one poster carries on as he does, eh?



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I think Shania likes being able to turn the fame on and off and that is why she likes it in Switzerland. I heard that one of the reasons she and Mutt went there was because of not only the privacy thing but also for tax purposes. The tax brackets here for zillionaires was so outrageous Mutt wanted something more reasonable. Also Kevy has a point about her family being upset that she moved so far away. But it was Shania's decision. Also read she went there to try and save her marriage. Rumors it was in trouble started around 2000 around the time they moved there. Now I think she's staying because she doesn't want to traumatize Eja anymore than she has to by moving him away from the onlylife he's ever known. It's important for him to feel loved and to feel secure. She is also closer to Mutt so Eja can spend time with him also. A 7 or 8 hour plane trip on weekends isn't possible plus I'm sure all the details of the divorce have not been worked out. There is also the Fredric connection. That's also another reason for her to stay there if they are in a relationship. She's kind of trapped when it comes to moving back here. She wants Eja to be happy and doesn't want to upset him so she will have to work around his schedule. She is very protective of him and she seems to be putting him first. She's always been independent and done her own thing no matter what everyone else thought. I think as I said she likes to be able to turn the fame thing on and off. It's like she has 2 different people inside her. That's why she has the 2 names. When she is on stage she is Shania the entertainer and when she is being a normal everyday person she is Eilleen. I can understand this as I am different somewhat away from my job and have my down time also. I think it is great that she has found a way to cope with this. This is how she protects herself from turning into one of those weird Hollywood types. I think this is how she has kept herself grounded. She may be a little strange as far as the San Matt stuff but think how much worse it could be if she were out in Hollywood with all that weird stuff they get into. At least she hasn't had to go to rehab umpteen times. In my eyes she lives a very clean and respectable life. As far as not doing much with her career I think a lot of people forget that she has been singing for a long time her success did not happen overnight. I think we forget how much she said she hated being woke up at 1 am to perform in the smoky, smelly bars after last call when she and her parents were persuing her career goals. Also she spent years before her frist album working with other people on their albums singing back up and paying her dues the hard way. As I said her break didn't happen overnight. She also worked hard during the Deerhurst years trying to support her career and raise her family after her parents were killed and emotionally had no time to accept their loss or greive for herself. She has never gotten over their loss and never will. You can see the emotions still bottled up inside if you look close enough. I think this is what a lot of people mistake and call her frigid or unfeeling. They don't have a clue what she's been through. She had it rough physically and emotionally. The physical stuff you get over it's the emotional stuff you carry around forever.
Just my thouoghts and opinions not saying I'm right or wrong or that I even have a clue but this is how I see it.
Warmest regards as always,



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Tonto,thank you for yet another great post because you express my thoughts too,i agree 99% with what you just postedsmile

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Great post.



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tonto, everyone goes through trials and tibulations, that is what life is about.
Lets not try and over analyze something we know nothing about.
And don't be so sure Shania had much say in where to move.
You are right it is her life and she could move to siberia and it is none of our business.
But in my opinion just judging from afar because she is a public figure and chose that, I think her move to Switzerland was the worst thing she could of done.
Now she may be stuck there because of Eja and so forth.
Lets not treat Shania like some God. We normal people go through tougher times than she ever will and we don't have that massive resources she does.



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I'm not treating her like a God I just respect her as a human being and she has the right to make her own mistakes just like we all do. If she hadn't married Mutt and went to Switzerland She wouldn't have Eja so I'm sure she feels it has all been worth it and that it was not all for nothing and a huge mistake. Hopefully for her there were more good times than bad times. I'm sure right now the bad stuff seems bigger but eventually that will change and she will come away realizing that it's just another chapter of her life and that there are many more to be written when all is said and done. I don't understand why everyone thinks I think she is a God. I do not. I am respect her as a human being who has made mistakes and I think she is the best songwriter ever. I respect anyone whocan use words the way that she does. She never ceases to amaze me in this respect. Edward Bulwer-Lytton was right when he said "The pen is mightier than the sword." Physical hurts heal but hurtful words hang around forever and tend to more damage. That's how I see it. Her use of words is just is incredible if you sit down and really read the words. The creative process is something that I really am interested in. I like knowing the reasons behind the songs. What inspired them. What was a person thinking and feeling when they wrote it. That's what I'm about. If you've read anything I've written you'd understand that that is why I am so interested in Shania. I also think Dolly Parton and Loretta Lynn and Dianne Warren are very intriguing.
Warmest regards as always,



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Tonto, I think we should treat everyone like a human being, Shania is no different.
And every human being gets judged on their actions. Shania chose this life and gets all the luxury and status of it so we have every right to judge her on her actions.
But when it is all said and done, it is her life and she does what she wants.
You are over analyzing Shania's life. Many people go through much more tougher times and get on with their life and don't have the money to fall back on.
I worry about my family and their life, not some zillionaire who doesn't care we exist.
I love Shania's music and will always be a fan. But she has lost respect from me on her character and other aspects of her life.
That is just my opinion, we can agree to disagree.


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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

Tonto, I think we should treat everyone like a human being, Shania is no different.
And every human being gets judged on their actions. Shania chose this life and gets all the luxury and status of it so we have every right to judge her on her actions.
But when it is all said and done, it is her life and she does what she wants.
You are over analyzing Shania's life. Many people go through much more tougher times and get on with their life and don't have the money to fall back on.
I worry about my family and their life, not some zillionaire who doesn't care we exist.
I love Shania's music and will always be a fan. But she has lost respect from me on her character and other aspects of her life.
That is just my opinion, we can agree to disagree.

        Shania also gets the stress from the life she leads, like trying to match or better the last album! Seems to be harder for artists that have been around for a while! She has to prove alot now, so it seems to alot of members of this site!! So we sit and wait,and if it doesn't matchup too previous albums,which it will,then she gets judged and criticized all over again! Hmmm! doesn't seem right, atleast not to this member!! 


Don't mind me,I'm just here!!!!! 


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I don't think anyone ever expects Shania or anyone to match the success of her icon making COME ON OVER album.
But she has waited so long so that puts pressure on expectations.


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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

I don't think anyone ever expects Shania or anyone to match the success of her icon making COME ON OVER album.
But she has waited so long so that puts pressure on expectations.

        My point exactly!!!!


Don't mind me,I'm just here!!!!! 

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Tonto wrote:

I think Shania likes being able to turn the fame on and off and that is why she likes it in Switzerland. I heard that one of the reasons she and Mutt went there was because of not only the privacy thing but also for tax purposes. The tax brackets here for zillionaires was so outrageous Mutt wanted something more reasonable. Also Kevy has a point about her family being upset that she moved so far away. But it was Shania's decision. Also read she went there to try and save her marriage. Rumors it was in trouble started around 2000 around the time they moved there. Now I think she's staying because she doesn't want to traumatize Eja anymore than she has to by moving him away from the onlylife he's ever known. It's important for him to feel loved and to feel secure. She is also closer to Mutt so Eja can spend time with him also. A 7 or 8 hour plane trip on weekends isn't possible plus I'm sure all the details of the divorce have not been worked out. There is also the Fredric connection. That's also another reason for her to stay there if they are in a relationship. She's kind of trapped when it comes to moving back here. She wants Eja to be happy and doesn't want to upset him so she will have to work around his schedule. She is very protective of him and she seems to be putting him first. She's always been independent and done her own thing no matter what everyone else thought. I think as I said she likes to be able to turn the fame thing on and off. It's like she has 2 different people inside her. That's why she has the 2 names. When she is on stage she is Shania the entertainer and when she is being a normal everyday person she is Eilleen. I can understand this as I am different somewhat away from my job and have my down time also. I think it is great that she has found a way to cope with this. This is how she protects herself from turning into one of those weird Hollywood types. I think this is how she has kept herself grounded. She may be a little strange as far as the San Matt stuff but think how much worse it could be if she were out in Hollywood with all that weird stuff they get into. At least she hasn't had to go to rehab umpteen times. In my eyes she lives a very clean and respectable life. As far as not doing much with her career I think a lot of people forget that she has been singing for a long time her success did not happen overnight. I think we forget how much she said she hated being woke up at 1 am to perform in the smoky, smelly bars after last call when she and her parents were persuing her career goals. Also she spent years before her frist album working with other people on their albums singing back up and paying her dues the hard way. As I said her break didn't happen overnight. She also worked hard during the Deerhurst years trying to support her career and raise her family after her parents were killed and emotionally had no time to accept their loss or greive for herself. She has never gotten over their loss and never will. You can see the emotions still bottled up inside if you look close enough. I think this is what a lot of people mistake and call her frigid or unfeeling. They don't have a clue what she's been through. She had it rough physically and emotionally. The physical stuff you get over it's the emotional stuff you carry around forever.
Just my thouoghts and opinions not saying I'm right or wrong or that I even have a clue but this is how I see it.
Warmest regards as always,

Tonto, this is a great post!!! smile
I totally agree with eveything you just said.
I think you said that perfectly!!!!!
I couldn't have said it better myself!

Two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile



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I agree Tonto. You verbalized everything I have been thinking about Shania too. Excellent post.



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Posted by peever in another thread:
Check this link out. Someone said Shania is getting married to Fred.


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Well if it is true im sure we will all know in the next few days.If someone as already seen a invitation it won't take long to leak to a real source.



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This is nonsence and not from an official source. We don't even know if they are still an item and/or how serious their relationship is. Let's not forget she married Mutt after only 6 months, so I don't think she would want to rush into marriage with Frederic, especially so soon after her divorce. Dating someone to living with someone is a big step and there's Eja's feelings to consider here.


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Tommy wrote:


Posted by peever in another thread:
Check this link out. Someone said Shania is getting married to Fred.

No. it did not say to fred  
Bobby boy,  Midland ,Canada

-- Edited by Bobby Boy on Friday 17th of April 2009 06:57:56 AM


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I doubt Shania's going to remarry this soon. My only concern is with Eja later on having questions as to why their parents swapped spouses after breaking up. But anywho.



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I guess the situation looks weird to fans, but Shania probably wants Eja to have some stability in his life, which she clearly didn't always have growing up. If that means having a father figure like Frederic present, and someone with whom her son is comfortable, as opposed to getting to know a total stranger, she may think she's doing the right thing by him and isn't concerned about what others say.

-- Edited by twain2country on Sunday 19th of April 2009 12:43:37 PM


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I agree with your thoughts Amanda. What's it got to do with anyone else. and IF she loves him it's only natural she would want to be with him.



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Well i have to say it is a odd situation, but i could see how Shania and Fred could get together.There where to pitchers from the 70's that traded wife's,houses,kids cars and pets,one was Fritz Peterson i can't remember the other ones name.That was really weird.



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There are  things on the web about Peterson and Kekich, I guess the 70's was a wild time



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I think they call it being a swinger now. You know there was a show on TV about it not too long ago where couples fell in love with each other's spouses. I say once you shouldn't put yourself into s situation where that can happen. Couples can spend time with each other but should not spend too much time together only asking for trouble if you do.
Warmest regards as always,



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Peterson is still married to the other guys wife.And Kekich didn't last long with the other woman.But if you get into that type of a life style your just asking for trouble.I wonder if after the one couple broke up did they want to get back with their ex's.


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Gosh reading that article about the swinging pitchers kinda makes me wonder about Shania, Frederic, Mutt and her former asst. It all seems too weird if you ask me. Shania has a great pick of men who'd date her in a heart beat. She doesn't have to go for her assistants ex, even if its for revenge, which would be low if you asked me.



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I don't think it is for revenge. She feels safe with him as he knows her very well and she knows she can trust him with all her secrets. He hasn't ran to the press in the whole 10 or 11 years that he has known her. From what we are told she doesn't have a big group of friends over there and my guess is it is easier for her to trust someone she already knows then to risk getting to know someone knew and risk it not working out and having them trash her in the tabloids. Besides like other women if she dates too much she may get a reputation. Maybe it is her rebound relationship. Or could be he is her soulmate and they will stay together only time and distance will tell. Reviving her career will put a huge strain on any relationship unless he is willing to give up his career and travel with her. For all we know they could have broken up already and they are just friends or maybe not even speaking as we never hear anything about her only once in while we get news and then that is only rumors that are never confirmed or denied by her. That's why she is in Switzerland becasue of the strict privacy laws. She can be a normal person there. Just my thoughts.
Warmest regards as always,



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I do not believe she can be a normal person anywhere in the world.

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