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Post Info TOPIC: Shania fragrances disontinued


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RE: Shania fragrances disontinued?

What do you think a product specialist and consumer affairs expert is?Thats just a fancy term for a flunky,just like a garbage man is a sanitation engineer.



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Walmart doesn't even sell it online anymore and the TWO stores in my entire Metro area that says they have it only has LIMITED STOCK which means maybe one or two bottles. That tells you something right there.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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The walmart site say's its unavailable,Here's what the search engine found. Shania Starlight 3-Piece Set for Women: Fragrances
Shop Low Prices on: Shania Starlight 3-Piece Set for Women : Fragrances ... This item is being discontinued. Availability is limited. Please check back on or after. ...

-- Edited by kelc317 on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 07:15:18 PM


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Wow I am wondering what is wrong with all you Shania Twain fans ? Fragrances disontinued ? So what I bough a few of her frangrances when they were out we need to relaize something after a few Years these things tend to happen and us as Shania Twain fans need to stop being so concerned about this. Now were all concerned That Shania twain is not coming back are we ? Well I am not let me explain as of January 1 2010 Shania Twain's offical website will offically be up and in full swing. Second Shania Twain's website is selling off all her old items from the older tours. A few other things she is doing ? Well American Idol in January and will be in Canada to do the torch on January 1 as well. we need to stop worring about something so small. In my opion Shania Twain will be back next Year and for those who think taylor has taken over well we shall see Shania has almost twenty Years of experience and know how to make big come backs lets wait and keep watching her blogs and hope she does soon get a new cd out but until then lets wait and see and always remember she will never be forever gone she said she is coming back then I beleive her and if you are a fan you would to

Darryl Hutchings


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Yes, we are not real fans. Sigh. LOL. Now on with the discussion.



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Speaking of perfume and marketing campaigns; it seems like Faith's one is rather boring, from the bottle to her print ads. Shania had a much better and eye-catching campaign.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

I think everyone here better stop getting their info from Angie as she has been wrong on many things.

I just contacted Coty directly yesterday about this subject and they replied to me this morning.

Coty said they have no current plans to discontinue or phase out Shania by stetson or Shania starlight.
So neither lines have been discontinued according to Coty.

Tommy,If you want me to foward the email I got from Coty to your email account then I will as proof.
I think as a rule we shouldn't believe what anyone says unless it comes straight from the source or the company.

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 12:39:15 PM

Could you post a copy of their message here? Will they make any official report on that? If the fragrances are not discontinued then why the websites are inaccessible and why there are no fragrances in shops?



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Tanya wrote:

EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

I think everyone here better stop getting their info from Angie as she has been wrong on many things.

I just contacted Coty directly yesterday about this subject and they replied to me this morning.

Coty said they have no current plans to discontinue or phase out Shania by stetson or Shania starlight.
So neither lines have been discontinued according to Coty.

Tommy,If you want me to foward the email I got from Coty to your email account then I will as proof.
I think as a rule we shouldn't believe what anyone says unless it comes straight from the source or the company.

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 12:39:15 PM

Could you post a copy of their message here? Will they make any official report on that? If the fragrances are not discontinued then why the websites are inaccessible and why there are no fragrances in shops?

I will forward it to personally if you want. I already gave Tommy the Coty reply.
I really don't think webites for particular lines are kept up too long.
If that was the case then J Lo would have a seperated site for everyone one of her 7 lines.
Also I have walked into walmart and Zellers here and they have lots of Shania perfumes left. The gift sets were only for the holliday season last year for starlight. The gift set line was discontinued a long time ago. But you can get Shania stetson or Shania starlight perfume in every store they say it is available.

I will give you the offical reply from Coty, the only source to believe.




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It is nice to see so much concern being expressed here.



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My money is Angie is right,perfumes have been discontinued,why would she say they have been discontinued if they weren't. I don't understand kevy's logic behind jlo would have 7 sites for her lines.It would seem to me that you would put all of a celeb's lines on one site so when a fan searched a star they would see all there products on one site.



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kelc317 wrote:

My money is Angie is right,perfumes have been discontinued,why would she say they have been discontinued if they weren't. I don't understand kevy's logic behind jlo would have 7 sites for her lines.It would seem to me that you would put all of a celeb's lines on one site so when a fan searched a star they would see all there products on one site.

Kevy meant that JLo has released many fragrances and she doesn't have a site for every line. Sites of her first fragrances were closed long ago. She has a website for all her products now. I wonder where Angie takes her information from. If Coty reresentatives reply they don't have plans to discontinue her lines and Angie writes exactly opposite things. I wrote a letter to Coty asking them about the websites as well. Hope, they'll reply.



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Was at Sears today and Shania's perfume is still there on the shelves along with her DVD of how the fragrances were made. Don't know if that means anything or not and also her perfume is still on sale at the CVS's in my area.

Warmest regards as always,


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angie said the perfume is discontinued, but they might still choose to sell it in certain stores, just shania wont be doing business with coty no longer. we should go with what she sais, as she knows more then anyone else here, as she works with shania and her website...


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there is still lots of perfume left in timmins, at sears, walmart, and shoppers drug mart i seen today.

-- Edited by peever on Sunday 6th of December 2009 06:41:38 PM



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peever wrote:

angie said the perfume is discontinued, but they might still choose to sell it in certain stores, just shania wont be doing business with coty no longer. we should go with what she sais, as she knows more then anyone else here, as she works with shania and her website...

Actually we should go with what Coty says, the actual source.
The perfumes are not discontinued.
Maybe go and ask Coty yourself.
There is zero truth to the perfumes being discontinued. You can get them in several stores across North America and Coty has said they are not discontinued and have not plans to discontinue.
Maybe in certain stores they aren't selling as well as in other stores so some stores won't order anymore. But they are not discontinued. 

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 6th of December 2009 08:49:25 PM



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Well if the perfume was just discontinued, some stores will still care it till they run out of stock.Just because a product is discontinued doesn't mean it immediately disappears.



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Exactly. If you have a product, you just don't chuck the remains in a fire! Even if it was discountinued! Of course people are still going to find it in stores! They WANT to sell what they have in stock! Basic business 101!



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If they wanted to sell more they would convince us of the fact that fragrances ARE discontinued. In this situation fans will go to the shops and buy everything what's left. Actually, many are doing so right now. Once Angie wrote they are discontinued, many went to shops and eBay to buy these scents. If Coty wanted to sell everything fast they would second this news. They didn't. They wrote the fragrances are not discontinued and there are no plans to do that (to the point that “Just because a product is discontinued doesn't mean it immediately disappears”)! Why do you believe Angie? She's responsible for Shania's official website and fan club. She’s not responsible for Coty’s business! She even doesn’t report on where she takes this news from. It seems she didn’t ask Coty. Her information is based on something other. If she asked them, she wouldn’t be writing those things right now.



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Maybe she has decided to go with a different company and do a more expensive designer scent. I like the scent but in comparison to other scents by stars like her it does lack a bit in the comparison. Also maybe she will do something hypo allergenic as many people have allergies and using certain ingredients causes reactions for people maybe she has decided to totally redesign her scents. Also she has been changing everything that she did with Mutt so maybe it is just another change she wants to put in place. Just my thoughts.
Warmest regards as always,



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Tanya wrote:

If they wanted to sell more they would convince us of the fact that fragrances ARE discontinued. In this situation fans will go to the shops and buy everything what's left. Actually, many are doing so right now. Once Angie wrote they are discontinued, many went to shops and eBay to buy these scents. If Coty wanted to sell everything fast they would second this news. They didn't. They wrote the fragrances are not discontinued and there are no plans to do that (to the point that “Just because a product is discontinued doesn't mean it immediately disappears”)! Why do you believe Angie? She's responsible for Shania's official website and fan club. She’s not responsible for Coty’s business! She even doesn’t report on where she takes this news from. It seems she didn’t ask Coty. Her information is based on something other. If she asked them, she wouldn’t be writing those things right now.

Maybe Angie got the info from Shania's people,i hardly think she would just make something like this up.Now do you think people at Cody that answer public e-mails are going to know every decision that is made at the top levels of Coty?If this decision was just made its going to take some time for it to be known threw out the company.Plus i know some corporation's that have websites but they are built and maintained by another company that just run's websites.As far as Shania fans running to buy her perfumes, ok and how many Shania fans read these boards,maybe a few hundred at best.You have to remember Shania has been gone for a long time and the vast majority of fans have moved on to other singers and their products,most teenagers probably don't even know who Shania is.I think some fans on this site and others just don't realize that we may still love her but a lot of her fans have moved on.




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Angie is asked about this situation on official board. We should wait for her answer.



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Tonto wrote:

Maybe she has decided to go with a different company and do a more expensive designer scent. I like the scent but in comparison to other scents by stars like her it does lack a bit in the comparison. Also maybe she will do something hypo allergenic as many people have allergies and using certain ingredients causes reactions for people maybe she has decided to totally redesign her scents. Also she has been changing everything that she did with Mutt so maybe it is just another change she wants to put in place. Just my thoughts.
Warmest regards as always,

Well if she is going to sell anything she is going to have to release some music,people tend to buy whats hot at the time although i did just see a commercial for Liz Talyors perfume i believe its white ice or something like that.Something that crossed my mind was maybe Mutt was getting a cut of the sales and she wanted out of that contract.




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kelc317 wrote:

Tanya wrote:

You have to remember Shania has been gone for a long time and the vast majority of fans have moved on to other singers and their products,most teenagers probably don't even know who Shania is.I think some fans on this site and others just don't realize that we may still love her but a lot of her fans have moved on.


And this is the real problem. And a sad one at that. She has been gone for so long that most people under 20 have no idea who she is. Oh, well. It is her life.




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I doubt that - my 15 year old granddaughter has been listening to and dancing to AMOM since she was a toddler and has gone to her concert with me and many of her friends have Shania music and karaoke parties to this day.

-- Edited by PurplePeopleEater on Wednesday 9th of December 2009 11:53:16 AM



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Of course a grandchild of yours is going to listen to Shania. You probably piped it into her room every night. I am sure that in the womb you talked to her about Shania. I am talking about kids whose parents/grandparents do not listen to Shania 24/7.



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And yes, perhaps some know who she is, which is very different than them liking and playing her music. Most tweens are into Taylor Swift. Shania is too old for a tween to relate to.


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The 'sell off' of Shania merchandise on her website and a lot of the other 'changes' to Shania's business are huge and will take a long time. They are all a 'trickle down' effect of Shania severing business ties with Mutt Lange and 'Q Prime' her old management. Millions of dollars are at stake, and this is a big transition. New managment, new lawyers, new everything. I'm just happy to see Shania out and about.


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Butters wrote:

Of course a grandchild of yours is going to listen to Shania. You probably piped it into her room every night. I am sure that in the womb you talked to her about Shania. I am talking about kids whose parents/grandparents do not listen to Shania 24/7.

If the truth be known I listen to Shania a whole lot less than I listen to Buddy Holly and many other singers and groups.



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I am a huge Buddy Holly Fan :)



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Shania's "Starlight" fragrance was available only for a
brief period of time and can now no longer be ordered new from the manufacturer. However, we still have the Starlight fragrance at Shania's official online store!

This may be your last opportunity to purchase
Shania's "Starlight" fragrance!

image_73.jpg Also, for a limited time while these quantities last, each order of Starlight will come with a FREE Shania Twain "Nail Head" sleeveless tee!




Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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