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SWMEC hasn't been added to any country stations based upon Mediabase's live add feature. Maybe it's still early, but we shall see.


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Life's About To Get Good climbs at #12 in Adult Contemporary Billboard Chart. 😁

It was #17 last week!



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RE: New Album "NOW" September 29, singles, interviews, etc. (continued)
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shy kids @shykids

so proud to announce we made a lyric video for @ShaniaTwain . just an absolute legend. still the one writing bangers

11:21 AM ET - 19 Sep 17


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Nash wrote:

Life's About To Get Good climbs at #12 in Adult Contemporary Billboard Chart. 😁

It was #17 last week!

 YES dear! biggrin

The song is climbin' that chart! It's a true HIT!

I guess this week, closer to NOW release, the song could increase its spins and get into AC Top10!

Oh yeah!



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Tommy wrote:
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Tommy wrote:

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of August 19): "Life's About To Get Good" debuts at No. 22 this week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart.

 BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of August 26): "Life's About To Get Good" climbs 3 spots to No. 19 in its second week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart.

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of September 2): "Life's About To Get Good" falls 1 spot to No. 20 in its third week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart. Meanwhile, Shania's 2004 Greatest Hits album returns to the Billboard Top Country Albums chart at No. 48. This is the album's 108th overall week on the chart. It also reached No. 1 on the U.S. iTunes Country albums chart.

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of September 9): "Life's About To Get Good" holds at No. 20 in its fourth week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart. Meanwhile, Shania's 2004 Greatest Hits album is this week's Greatest Gainer as it jumps 32 spots to No. 16 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart. This is the album's 109th overall week on the chart.

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of September 16): "Life's About To Get Good" climbs 2 spots to No. 18 (new peak) in its fifth week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart. The song previously peaked at No. 19 in its second week on the chart. Meanwhile, Shania's 2004 Greatest Hits album falls 14 spots to No. 30 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart. This is the album's 110th overall week on the chart.

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of September 23): "Life's About To Get Good" climbs 1 spot to No. 17 (new peak) in its sixth week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart. The song previously peaked at No. 18 last week. Meanwhile, Shania's 2004 Greatest Hits album falls 8 spots to No. 38 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart. This is the album's 111th overall week on the chart.

BILLBOARD UPDATE (week of September 30): "Life's About To Get Good" climbs 5 spots to No. 12 (new peak) in its seventh week on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart. The song previously peaked at No. 18 last week. Meanwhile, Shania's 2004 Greatest Hits album falls off this week's Billboard Top 50 Country Albums chart (No. 38 last week).


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Has anyone been listening to their local country stations for SWMEC? I have been, but I have yet to hear it on my local stations.



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Gigi wrote:

Has anyone been listening to their local country stations for SWMEC? I have been, but I have yet to hear it on my local stations.

Word is that the song wasn't sent to Country radio yesterday as planned. 


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So is life's about to get good considered a hit? Even tho country radio did not support it much? Is Adult Contemporary just as good as good?


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Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

Has anyone been listening to their local country stations for SWMEC? I have been, but I have yet to hear it on my local stations.

Word is that the song wasn't sent to Country radio yesterday as planned. 

 So is that assuming they've cancelled the song as a single?


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SWMEC has received some moderate airplay in the U.K. peaking at #28 on the U.K. Airplay Chart.


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RE: New Album "NOW" September 29, singles, interviews, etc. (continued)
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Gigi wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

Has anyone been listening to their local country stations for SWMEC? I have been, but I have yet to hear it on my local stations.

Word is that the song wasn't sent to Country radio yesterday as planned. 

 So is that assuming they've cancelled the song as a single?

 I think it is still a single. The music video has been filmed already. Maybe they will send it on a later date?


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So much news about Shania lately my heads spinning. Counting down the days and minutes! THE EXCITEMENT! WE WAITED FOR 15YRS FOR THIS!!!

1. Where and when is the SWMEC video going to release?
2. Has it been released to country radio and how do you think country radio is responding?
3. I think "Thelma and Louise" got the Billboards charts on lockdown if you know what I mean and do you think that is amazing to see one clearly dominating the charts while her idol and mentor will release an album to dominate the charts at the same time?
4. How many pre-sales are already sold for NOW? Does anyone have those numbers?
5. Do you think Shania will do a better media tour for NOW? I mean Ellen and AGT are fabulous but would she tap into the country scene?
6. It has been reported that she will perform at the CMA's in 2017? Do you think finally she will lean towards a country vibe being her true self and hoping the singles will chart well?

Sorry I have these questions, these serious questions to ask and I hope someone has the answers!


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I think swingin' will be fully promoted in the next couple of weeks, with the video release close to or on the release date of the album. Although I personally hope she gives life's about to get good another push on AGT and Ellen, I think it has more hit potential.

She will also be on James Corden close to release date as well.
Based on itunes sales of swingin' in the first week of it's release I think the album has been pre-ordered 2.250 times digitally on Itunes. No clue on the digital sales figures. But with the tour ticket/album combo she will def sell more then 130.000 copies in its first week (based on her having sold about 50-60% of tickets for each venue). And tuat should be good enough for a top 3 chart position.

And personally I couldn't care less anymore about Taylor Swift. That girl has such an annoyance factor, with all her drama. Even as annoying as the kardashians. Cba of her new music either.



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RE: New Album "NOW" September 29, singles, interviews, etc. (continued)
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Shania Twain on New Album: 'This Is My Chance to Do Something Very Pure'

Superstar opens up about the fight to regain control of her voice and the LP 'Now,' her first new album in 15 years

By Jon Freeman | Rolling Stone | September 20, 2017 

Back in May, Shania Twain previewed her long-awaited new album for media in Nashville, nervously addressing the group as if she wasn't sure how the music would be received. Twain openly presented the record as an honest reflection of her life right now, acknowledging that it might not be what everyone was expecting. "It was really just all about me speaking everything that was in my heart and mind," she said at the time.

The album, titled Now, arrives on September 29th, 15 years after her previous full-length Up! – and in the wake of some personal upheavals that assailed her in the interim. Most notably, her divorce from husband and longtime collaborator Mutt Lange, with whom she has a 15-year-old son, Eja. Lange had an affair with and eventually married Twain's former best friend, Marie-Anne Thibeaud. In a twist worthy of a Danielle Steel novel, the heartbroken superstar and Marie-Anne's ex-husband Frederic leaned on one another, fell in love and got married as well. But the ensuing stress from the situation led to Twain being diagnosed with dysphonia – a condition that affects vocal cord control – which she later learned was also due to complications from Lyme disease. With therapy, Twain was able to return to performing – first through her two-year Caesars Palace residency Still the One, and later with the Rock This Country tour – and recording some of the songs she had written. She learned to adapt to her new limitations. "My voice will never be the same again, I doubt very much," she tells Rolling Stone Country, in Nashville again several weeks later. "I've already gone through a lot of work, and as you get older it actually gets harder."

One of the things that helped make Twain become the biggest country star of the second half of the Nineties – that is, beyond the fact that her songs were ridiculously clever, forward-thinking and had hooks for days – was the way she projected a survivor's strength, both through her hit recordings and the circumstances over which she triumphed to achieve greatness. From her hardscrabble childhood in Ontario, Canada, to the tragic deaths of her mother and stepfather in a car accident and having to sing to support her sisters, Twain has been beset with abandonment and struggle from the very beginning. She is the epitome of rising above one's circumstances, but her vocal cord problems and her long absence from the public eye were entirely new obstacles to overcome.

"Swingin' With My Eyes Closed," the opening track on Now, addresses some of that trepidation in classic Shania fashion. Beginning with a foot-stomping intro that slyly recalls "Any Man of Mine," it quickly settles into an easygoing reggae groove. She sings of facing uncertainty and having to ball up one's fists to throw punches even when one isn't necessarily ready. Twain wrote every song on Now by herself (a first in her career), along with arranging the vocals and harmonies. She brought on a murderer's row of producers – none of them Nashville usual suspects – in Ron Aniello, Jacquire King, Jake Gosling and Matthew Koma, whose credits include Bruce Springsteen, Ed Sheeran, Kings of Leon and Zedd.

As Twain hinted, the album doesn't sound like her blockbuster recordings from the Lange era. She stretches out stylistically, flitting between down-tempo pop in the vein of Dido ("Light of My Life"), arena-ready Mumford & Sons-style folk-rock ("Home Now"), vulnerable country balladry ("Who's Gonna Be Your Girl") and even sprightly, tropically flavored dance music ("Let's Kiss and Make Up"), singing about finding her way through adversity or getting over heartbreak. She makes multiple references to betrayal ("It killed me that you'd give your life to be with her," she sings in the bouncy lead single "Life's About to Get Good") that could easily be read as a reference to her divorce, but Twain is adamant that Now, as she says,"is not a divorce album."

Instead, it's the sound of a global entertainer finding her footing on mostly unfamiliar ground, recalibrating her style for an audience that's even more fragmented than when she flipped country and pop on their heads in the late Nineties. More than that, it's the sound of a woman who refuses to be held down.

At the album preview in May, you touched on the working relationship you had with Mutt, crediting him with your artistic development. But you said you felt "stripped of your own identity" when people gave him the credit for what you'd accomplished together. Why do you think that was?
Because Mutt was the producer. I was more the sounding board for him and he wanted it to be very true to me stylistically as well. He was an excellent collaborator and I think he really brought out the best in me in so many ways. But not being independent – meaning we were collaborating, we were relying on each other for our strengths – it's just I wasn’t spreading my wings the way I would have if I was doing it by myself. The identity thing, it wasn't really an identity crisis, but it's sort of that feeling of, when you're somebody's mother they don't call you by your name. You're addressed as "Eja's mom."

You also said something at the event about how you consider yourself part of the service industry, which seems like a very populist gesture. If you're serving the consumer, is there room for creating art?
I'm not serving the consumer. That's not the way I look at it. Comedians, for example, they're such intense writers and performers. They're very similar to songwriters and any type of artist. The comedian that writes their own material, they pain over writing things to get a laugh. They have a purpose behind their writing. So my purpose is to do the same thing. I'm looking for an emotional response. I'm looking for a connection.

You took a long break from recording and performing in the mid-2000s and have slowly worked your way back to releasing a new album. What was the spark that got things moving on Now?
I was encouraged enough to try the Vegas Caesar's Palace residency for two years. That was a very controlled environment so I felt I was brave enough to take that on. That was a success and you go, 'Whoa, I can do that. Now let me add traveling on to that and see if I can do that in a traveling scenario.' So I went on tour and that worked out really well. There were confidence bridges along the way that I built and the [song] writing was ongoing and then I just thought, 'Well, the only other thing to do now is tackle a studio album [laughs] and be the singer of all these songs I've been writing.' And they were so personal, these songs, that I felt even more compelled to sing them myself. And by that time I'd really come to a good place in understanding my voice and accepting the obstacles and how to get around them.

You made a slight return in 2011 with "Today Is Your Day," starring in the OWN miniseries Why Not? With Shania Twain. How much were your vocal issues affecting you at the time?
There were three recordings I did during this phase of really not having my voice back yet. That was the Michael Bublé duet for "White Christmas" and then "Endless Love" with Lionel Richie [from Richie's duets album Tuskegee]and "Today Is Your Day." I called it my mascot song for the series. But the effort it took me to get those vocals – my voice – in the place where I could do that, there was no way I could have had a recording career with all that effort. It just wasn't worth it. It was just like this crazy amount of psychological and physical work. I had to get that down to being less of a job and less of a painful exercise to just get some joy out of singing and getting the effort and the reward balanced more. That is what happened really just in the very last two years, and that is when the songs really got focused as the album songs.

You mean you started to see what songs belonged on the new album?
Exactly. Like, There were a lot of bits that weren't finished. In the last two years I've been puzzling together the songs for this particular purpose of this album.

What did you notice as the pieces really came together?
To me it was all about balance. I didn't want the whole album to be misery. I didn't want the whole album to be boppy. I wanted the album to be diverse and to give a good expanse of all of the things I've been experiencing over my life, really. I've never written an album alone before. I've never written an album that has not been collaborative or uninfluenced by another thinker, by another heart. So this is my chance to do something very, very pure.

It's interesting to hear you trying out so many new styles, from reggae to tropical house, on Now. You seem to be quite aware of stylistic shifts in pop.
I'm experimenting more with grooves. It's probably influenced more by my son. Because he's 15, I'm always hearing the stuff he's doing and working on and listening to. And I love dance as well. I love happy music. That definitely crept in more. Then there's more of that now than the rock that was heavier in my earlier albums, that Mutt and I both loved. But on this one, there's some lighter things for sure than I've done in the past.

Why was it important to you to write the entire album alone?
Even when I was realizing maybe I could record another album, then the fear was, "Where do I begin?" For the last 15 years I've been collaborating with the same person. Now all of a sudden I'm alone. I'm starting over. And I don't know where to begin. I don't even know anybody that I've been working with over 15 years. I just don't know what to do. I was lost. "Home Now" is a reflection of that feeling of being lost and just I don't know what to do and where to go. So it took a while to build up the courage to even share the songs. Once I did start sharing them, the demos [with] just the songwriting, the responses were really powerful and I thought, "You know what, I'm gonna try to do this alone. I'm gonna write the most honest experiences and emotions that I can in these songs."

It fits in with the things we already know about your story: survival and perseverance, no matter how hard it gets.
And that's where the strength is. It's interesting to touch on a song like "Poor Me" and "Who's Gonna Be Your Girl," there's a few like that. But the strength is in sharing, finding the strength to share. This is a different type of strength. It's more personal courage to share knowing that the stronger importance is to share it – that it's more valuable to others than it is to just keep it to myself.

Do you think of the album as a country release, or is it something more broad?
I think there's absolutely country influence in the album, no doubt about that. Even "Life's About to Get Good," it's got a real hoedown groove to it. I guess I just am what I am, and I'm not really sure what it is. I'm sure anybody ever did figure it out even over all the albums. I'm not sure it matters. The fans are just so diverse as well. I think they expect that. They just expect me and a lot of personality in the music. Quality music.

Do you feel like you have anything else to prove at this point?
I have a deep need for self-satisfaction. That was a big part of writing by myself. I needed to satisfy that independence. I think I'm just gonna be doing that from now on, doing things that are really satisfying. That makes it all worthwhile. That makes the work that it takes to keep this voice manageable worth it. The work that it takes to be the singer for me is a lot. There's gotta be satisfaction in there. There's gotta be a payoff.


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Based on Shania singing LATGG on AGT tonight, looks like SWMEC is on the back burner.


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Alright, this is the best thing ever!!!! LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!
We've been so used to Shania the singer, but I'm officially NOW all for Shania the actress at the same time! biggrin

Now we know how Shania usually writes her lyrics! (Just kidding!) biggrin

-- Edited by ShaniaFanSince03 on Wednesday 20th of September 2017 11:36:55 PM

-- Edited by ShaniaFanSince03 on Thursday 21st of September 2017 01:00:21 AM


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I thought she did great (minus the dress) on AGT. And I still can't get over that last chorus when the EDM vibe kicks in! 😍 Really looking forward to hearing Let's Kiss and Make Up. Hope it's a full on dance song I'm hearing it is 🙏



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RiteChappy wrote:

I thought she did great (minus the dress) on AGT. And I still can't get over that last chorus when the EDM vibe kicks in! 😍 Really looking forward to hearing Let's Kiss and Make Up. Hope it's a full on dance song I'm hearing it is 🙏

 Me too! I was actually so excited when I heard the opening melody of LATGG when Shania was performing on AGT right before she started singing the first lyric, cause it made me think maybe Shania hasn't fully given up on LATGG as a hit single yet, but I still hope SWMEC is still the next/current single, as I really want to see the music video so bad! 😍 And speaking of "Let's Kiss and Make Up", we'll find out if it's a full on dance song in 8 days!!! smile


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Sounds like, looks like Shania has kinda of had a very productive and busy day today!!! Or should I say last night?
From what I've been reading about Shania Twain on Twitter, not only did Shania perform on AGT, and then have an appearance on the Comedy Central show "Broad City", she also apparently went to a Harry Styles concert after AGT! Interesting. 



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Great performance on AGT! I guess she wants to push LATGG as much as she can, especially since it's doin' so great on AC Chart. Next week it will be definitely in the Top10.

SWMEC will be probably released on radio September 29, and it kinda makes sense. Maybe she will even release the video the same day.

Anyway, I like the melody of the "song" she writes on "Broad City", let's hope it is actually a song on NOW!!


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I am laughing my arse off.. Our girl got a mouth! "**** I am good!" got me from Broad City. She really goes all out, goes big or goes home kind of attitude. I really think she means it and I know she does with her lyrics, story and album coming out. She has been quite busy and I love it that she is busy! AGT was off the hook and perfect. The dress was a little too much but always being fashion forward! Name me one other country artist besides Swift with backup dancers! That would be my dream job! I seriously hope we get a video for "Swingin" soon so the "train" can keep going! I got that buzz rolling around in my brain!!!!


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RE: New Album "NOW" September 29, singles, interviews, etc. (continued)
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matteotempo wrote:

Great performance on AGT! I guess she wants to push LATGG as much as she can, especially since it's doin' so great on AC Chart. Next week it will be definitely in the Top10.

SWMEC will be probably released on radio September 29, and it kinda makes sense. Maybe she will even release the video the same day.

Anyway, I like the melody of the "song" she writes on "Broad City", let's hope it is actually a song on NOW!!

 I think so dear, she's pushin' LATGG hopin' 4 a Top10 entry next weeks (if Ed Sheeran's CH falls down!).

But I hope they'll send SWMEC to country radio because album's comin' and we need a brand new video/single impact right NOW!


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Angelo1985 wrote:
matteotempo wrote:

Great performance on AGT! I guess she wants to push LATGG as much as she can, especially since it's doin' so great on AC Chart. Next week it will be definitely in the Top10.

SWMEC will be probably released on radio September 29, and it kinda makes sense. Maybe she will even release the video the same day.

Anyway, I like the melody of the "song" she writes on "Broad City", let's hope it is actually a song on NOW!!

 I think so dear, she's pushin' LATGG hopin' 4 a Top10 entry next weeks (if Ed Sheeran's CH falls down!).

But I hope they'll send SWMEC to country radio because album's comin' and we need a brand new video/single impact right NOW!

 I think LATGG is the song she will also perform in James Corden and Ellen. The addition of the dancers with colorful outfits make it for alive and fun! It will peak at #1 on AC! I claim it. hahaha...


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Shania has 4 songs back in the iTunes top 200 on country singles chart. LATGG is currently at #38.



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Gigi wrote:

Shania has 4 songs back in the iTunes top 200 on country singles chart. LATGG is currently at #38.

 Well, at least, listening to the studio version of LATGG, maybe people will stop to tweet she was lyp-singing last night. She was totally live, even during the bridge of the song. 


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matteotempo wrote:
Gigi wrote:

Shania has 4 songs back in the iTunes top 200 on country singles chart. LATGG is currently at #38.

 Well, at least, listening to the studio version of LATGG, maybe people will stop to tweet she was lyp-singing last night. She was totally live, even during the bridge of the song. 

 the song did contain some pre-recorded live vocals on which she was miming I'm afraid. But overall great performance :)


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As for now she would climb to #11 on AC radio chart next week. Top 10 for next week is unlikely, ed sheeran is still 420 spins in lead of her. But maybe with Ellen en James Corden she will manage to get a top 10 the week after. Would be such an accomplishment, just seeing where the song came from.



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Never say never: Shania Twain finds new voice after illness

By Mesfin Fedaku | Associated Press | September 21, 2017

NEW YORK (AP) — After becoming a global icon and one of the world’s best-selling singers of all-time, Shania Twain had to utter the scariest five words a vocalist would ever hear: “I may never sing again.”

The queen of country pop contracted Lyme’s disease, which crippled her most prized instrument — her voice — and she thought her singing career was over.

“It can kill you. And if it doesn’t kill you, it can give you a seriously degenerated quality of life for the rest of your life,” she said in a recent interview.

It didn’t kill Twain, but the process of finding her voice again was gruesome and trying: “I had sound like a dying cow for a long time before I was able to really make any sounds that were pleasing at all.”

But Twain, who has persevered since her career launched in 1993, was ready to do the work to rebuild her voice, and life. She trained with coaches and worked extensively on her vocals, comparing the experience to an athlete recovering from a major injury.

Twain tested out her voice in various ways in the 17 years in between her last album, 2002′s “Up!,” and her newest effort, “Now”: She sang duets with Lionel Richie and Michael Buble for their own albums; she completed a residency in Las Vegas; and launched a successful U.S. tour, reconnecting with the fans that helped her sell more than 90 million albums worldwide.

“I feel triumphant,” Twain said, who will release her new album on Sept. 29. “I just feel like I’ve climbed this huge mountain and I made it to the top. ...And, you know, coming from a time when I really thought I would never record an album again, that I would never tour again, that I would never sing professionally again.”

“And now here I am with a whole album,” she continued, “it’s like a small miracle really for me personally.”

“Now” is probably Twain’s most personal album to date. She wrote all 16 songs alone — a rarity in today’s music world — and she spilled her feelings and emotions in the songs, even crying and breaking down in the studio throughout the process. Though she is one of the most celebrated musicians in history and she’s found a lifetime success in performing, her life hasn’t been easy.

Twain, who had a rough childhood in Canada, grew up poor and around abuse. Her parents died in a car crash and she took on the role of caring for her three younger siblings. She moved to Nashville, but the country star with pop flavor had trouble settling into the new town. She eventually married producer Robert “Mutt” Lange, and they co-wrote some of her most successful songs, but they later divorced.

Cindy Mabe, president of Universal Music Group Nashville, said the new album is a reflection of Twain’s entire life and it marks the first time the singer has opened up so much in her music.

“This is more raw, more vulnerable and more real than you have ever known this person to be,” Mabe said. “She actually lets you in to what’s happening in her life and ... this is about her really framing her life and kind of understanding where she is and how she fits into things and then sharing it with world. This is the most brave record that she’s ever made.”

In the near two decades in between albums, Twain was busy raising her son and got married again. But she still wrote songs, collecting poems, lyrics and melodies over the years. She spent two years creating “Now” and worked with four producers on the project: Ron Aniello (Bruce Springsteen), Jake Gosling (Ed Sheeran), Jacquire King (Kings of Leon) and Matthew Koma (Zedd, Carly Rae Jepsen).

Twain said she picked those collaborators because they respected her decision to write each song by herself, something she hadn’t done since before recording with Lange.

“I was motivated by the challenge of carrying the risk or the weight of doing it without any guidance or any influence, any feedback. That to me was the ultimate test of independence,” she said.

The album’s lead single, the fun and breezy “Life’s About to Get Good,” captures Twain’s energy perfectly: She’s happy, and ready for the next chapter of her life and musical career. The song peaked at No. 33 on Billboard’s Hot country songs chart, and despite having an album that sold more than 20 million units in the U.S. and two others sell more than 10 million each, Twain and her label aren’t feeling pressure.

“Am I pleased where the first single went? Not really, but I’m just about exposing this record. So with all the other things that we have dropping I’m pleased,” Mabe said. “We have made noise and ...I feel good about where we’re going with this record and that it will be exposed.”

“The industry has changed so much now. ...It’s like comparing apples and oranges now,” Twain said of selling albums today compared to the 1990s and early 2000s. “It’s just different and the tallying is coming from such a broad spectrum, so I’m not feeling that pressure just because it just doesn’t even exist anymore. The pressure for me is really more, ‘Will I write music that relates to my fans? Will they relate to what I have to say?’”

“I’m different now. I think differently now. I’ve evolved. That’s why I call the album ‘Now,’” she said. “This is me now.”


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I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.



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LJ-R wrote:

As for now she would climb to #11 on AC radio chart next week. Top 10 for next week is unlikely, ed sheeran is still 420 spins in lead of her. But maybe with Ellen en James Corden she will manage to get a top 10 the week after. Would be such an accomplishment, just seeing where the song came from.

Yes dear, but next week in Top10 is impossible; and for #11 spot, I don't know, the AC building chart doesn't count Adele's WUTB, that stays into Top10 still!

So actually, LATGG could be in #12 spot yet nex week...

And for about SWMEC, I also think it's time to launch, we need a brand new single/video promo, even because country charts would ask new songs with NOW's comin', and even because I think LATGG lives by its legs right now, doesn't need other pushin'...especially after AGT performance...

We'll see dears...




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Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.


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Angelo1985 wrote:
LJ-R wrote:

As for now she would climb to #11 on AC radio chart next week. Top 10 for next week is unlikely, ed sheeran is still 420 spins in lead of her. But maybe with Ellen en James Corden she will manage to get a top 10 the week after. Would be such an accomplishment, just seeing where the song came from.

Yes dear, but next week in Top10 is impossible; and for #11 spot, I don't know, the AC building chart doesn't count Adele's WUTB, that stays into Top10 still!

So actually, LATGG could be in #12 spot yet nex week...

And for about SWMEC, I also think it's time to launch, we need a brand new single/video promo, even because country charts would ask new songs with NOW's comin', and even because I think LATGG lives by its legs right now, doesn't need other pushin'...especially after AGT performance...

We'll see dears...


Country Charts wouldn't ask for new songs from Shania simply because Country Radio don't play her songs. She could release all the 16 songs of the album and still they won't play her. That's a fact. 

And let's be honest: with her history of album sales, everyone will say "Now" is a flop even if it will sell 1 million copies. 

I know we, as fans, would like her to be always #1, but the thing is, if she's not worried about charts anymore, I don't know why we would. She still sells tickets for her Tour, most of the venues will be sold out, and that's fine with me. 

I'm glad LATGG is doin' good on AC Chart.


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Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 


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RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

-- Edited by RiteChappy on Thursday 21st of September 2017 03:38:48 PM

 I honestly think Shania should forget about releasing SWMEC as a single right now, and wait until maybe May or June of next year to release it as an official single then, despite the numerous times she's performed the song already this year so far, and instead release WGSTD or Poor Me as the next single instead, or even "I'm Alright" for that matter, since Shania has said in multiple interviews that I'm Alright is one of her personal favorites on the album. 


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 on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.


 I honestly think Shania should forget about releasing SWMEC as a single right now, and wait until maybe May or June of next year to release it as an official single then, despite the numerous times she's performed the song already this year so far, and instead release WGSTD or Poor Me as the next single instead, or even "I'm Alright" for that matter, since Shania has said in multiple interviews that I'm Alright is one of her personal favorites on the album. 

 Considering the time of year I do think SWMEC is not a song that should be released right now, but having said that I also think that it has far more hit potential then poor me and we got something they don't. Especially poor me wouldn't go down well with the general public I think. To connect with the country public I think 'home now' would be a good choice, based on the snippets I've heard. But we'll see what happens in the next week or so, quite sure SWMEC will still get its video release next week. 


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Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 No, it does not. Shania's manager, Scott Rodger said it himself back when news came out that tickets couldn't be sold to the Nashville NOW Tour date: Her team sees her as more of an Adult Contemporary artist.

      "Rodger said that, when Live Nation told him that the block on pre-December ticket sales only applies to country artists, he provided Bridgestone Arena with data showing that Twain is more adult-contemporary than country."

Yes, this was to prove that she could be eligible to sell tickets when they all went on sale. But, it also shows that her team may start using the Country format as a secondary resource. Country radio will not heavily rotate a 52 year-old performer who has been away for 15 years. It's just not going to happen. (See Martina McBride, Reba McEntire...even Miranda Lambert is struggling and she has material out now with Grammy Nods and the whole nine yards). If LATGG is improving on AC, then yes...allow the song to be pushed further. I'd think it would be smarter to release "We Got Something They Don't" or "Home Now" following LATGG in place of "Swingin'" due to the sheer fact that the lyrics no longer match up with the season. Big Machine saved Cassadee Pope's single "Summer" last year for June instead of March. 

All I am saying is her team has to have a different focus for her career. It cannot go in the same direction it did when the UP! or Greatest Hits eras were happening. The music industry as a whole has changed, with country radio specifically turning away from Shania. That's nothing new...they've done that her entire career. There is no point in trying to please them now.






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RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're still stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. It's the best they can do. I'm just saying it like it is.


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Tommy wrote:
RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're still stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. It's the best they can do. I'm just saying it like it is.

 Tommy is right. Any other artist who has had the media exposure Shania has would have sustained their music on the iTunes Charts. Shania's new material hasnt performed to what I think they expected. She goes live on a big tv show and gets a small boost on iTunes. Then it goes away within the next couple of days. She's also having to perform her old songs along with throwing in a new song to reconnect with fans. 


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Tommy wrote:
RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. I'm just saying it like it is.

 You are not saying it like it is at all. You are making up stuff that you don't know. Shania's team never planned to push songs hard on country radio and never expected heavy radio airplay there. Seriously you are so far off base on most of what you said. Shania's team is reintroducing herself to the public with this album, that is their goal. Next album they said they will concentrate in digital sales, this album physical sales. Don't make up stuff that that her team has no confidence in her songs when their intention was not to worry about country radio in the first place. i am sure she and her label love her album and are very confident in the quality of the songs. Everyone knows from the start country radio was not going to embrace her new songs plus this is a global album not country album lol i sure shania and her label are very satisfied with how things are going and i am sure her album will be a success . 


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Gigi wrote:
Tommy wrote:
RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're still stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. It's the best they can do. I'm just saying it like it is.

 Tommy is right. Any other artist who has had the media exposure Shania has would have sustained their music on the iTunes Charts. Shania's new material hasnt performed to what I think they expected. She goes live on a big tv show and gets a small boost on iTunes. Then it goes away within the next couple of days. She's also having to perform her old songs along with throwing in a new song to reconnect with fans. 

I don't think Tommy is right because I'm sure these are just assumptions. Hypothetically speaking, even if Shania had released Man, I Feel Like a Woman now, it would have trouble reaching audiences. You guys are forgetting about the blatant agism in the music industry. So, like I said months ago, why don't we just stop worrying about charts and stuff and focus on the music. I don't need this album to connect with all the sheeples. I'll enjoy it all the same. Have a great evening you guys!


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Gigi wrote:
Tommy wrote:
RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're still stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. It's the best they can do. I'm just saying it like it is.

 Tommy is right. Any other artist who has had the media exposure Shania has would have sustained their music on the iTunes Charts. Shania's new material hasnt performed to what I think they expected. She goes live on a big tv show and gets a small boost on iTunes. Then it goes away within the next couple of days. She's also having to perform her old songs along with throwing in a new song to reconnect with fans. 

 what a load of crap!!! She is a 52 year-old women and she is not geared to itunes. You are so obsessed with itunes that you have no clue what real success will  be.  Kelly Clarkson and Shania both performed on agt but guess whose new album is higher on amazon?? Shania's performance made a bigger impact!!! You keeo looking at your stupid itunes and waste your time lol


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RiteChappy wrote:
Gigi wrote:
Tommy wrote:
RiteChappy wrote:
Tommy wrote:
Gigi wrote:

I understand the theory of promoting LATGG due to how well it is doing on the AC Radio charts, however, that song failed at country radio, and she really needs to be pushing a single to country radio to coincide all these performances on tv. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

 It just shows Shania and her label have no confidence in SWMEC to help promote NOW. That's a BAD sign and doesn't bode well for the album has a whole.

 Or it's that LATGG is gaining some momentum and they want to let it breathe for a bit longer. Plus, releasing a song where the first line is, "Summer's here..." will be a bit dense saying that the first day of fall is today. Damn, Tommy, you really hate these songs so far. 

I don't HATE the songs. All I'm saying is the songs on the album are not connecting with the general public. It's true. And Shania's team knows it. That's why they're still stuck on the lead single "LATGG" trying to promote the album. It's the best they can do. I'm just saying it like it is.

 Tommy is right. Any other artist who has had the media exposure Shania has would have sustained their music on the iTunes Charts. Shania's new material hasnt performed to what I think they expected. She goes live on a big tv show and gets a small boost on iTunes. Then it goes away within the next couple of days. She's also having to perform her old songs along with throwing in a new song to reconnect with fans. 

I don't think Tommy is right because I'm sure these are just assumptions. Hypothetically speaking, even if Shania had released Man, I Feel Like a Woman now, it would have trouble reaching audiences. You guys are forgetting about the blatant agism in the music industry. So, like I said months ago, why don't we just stop worrying about charts and stuff and focus on the music. I don't need this album to connect with all the sheeples. I'll enjoy it all the same. Have a great evening you guys!

 exactly,  some here need  a serious reality check. Shania is a 52 year old woman and is not looking to compete with kids on iTunes charts lol She will find success in many other ways.  it doesn't matter what damn song she puts out, she is not going to fly up the itunes charts like today's pre packaged disposable music lol.



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I could care less about Shania's performance on iTunes. The fact is people are not interested and not buying her new songs. You guys can list all the reasons you want. But the REASON is they just don't like the songs. Period. The whole "Shania has to be reintroduced to the public" philosophy is ridiculous. Her "Greatest Hits" album was #1 on iTunes a couple weeks ago. Which proves people haven't forgotten about Shania and IF they like her music they WILL buy it.


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ShaniaFanSince03 wrote:

Alright, this is the best thing ever!!!! LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!
We've been so used to Shania the singer, but I'm officially NOW all for Shania the actress at the same time! biggrin

Now we know how Shania usually writes her lyrics! (Just kidding!) biggrin


Just wondering why no one else is discussing the fact that this show Broad City was not a good idea at all image wise for her...what the **** was she thinking?  This show was not the right format for her.  If anyone other than her true fans like the ones on this forum saw this than they would not stay a fan for long.  I hope she picks better acting roles for herself in the future.  She is way better than that trash of a show...sorry call me old school if you want but I do not think that that show was a smart idea.   She lost respect points with me on this and it's not about the language and her using the foul language I can handle that we know she likes to drop the Fbomb a lot but it's just the caliber of the show was not up to her caliber.  She is so much better than that.  Why not do something like "Big Bang Theory" or Grey's Anatomy.  Something she can look back on and be proud of.  This is like soft porn TV.  She really wants to be a soft porn TV star now??? Did she get abducted by aliens or something???  Who gave her the advice that this would be a good idea.  She ain't gonna win no Emmy for that sh**!  Don't get me wrong I love that she is trying to do more so that we get to see her more but I could have done without that.  Did anybody else watch it all the way through??  Hello people are you not going to say how you really feel about it or are you going to sugar coat it because you accept anything she does whether its is good or bad?!! I won't be telling my friends to watch it.  How could you be proud of that???   I guess I will try and chalk this one up to a momentary loss of sanity but she will lose fans if she decides to go down the wrong road.  She should chose more wisely her projects or risk damaging her reputation.  I mean there are tasteful and tactful ways to do these things and that was not done here.  Sorry but I have to call it like I see it and in this case I wish I could un-see it.  I mean "Yeah, his d**k is definitely broken" is not a classic line you want people to associate you with.  Think about it Julia Roberts in Notting Hill.  The line "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her"  that's the kind of lines Shania is capable of.  I mean for God's sake she writes songs with lines like "No one turned the light on, I fell and broke my heart"  and they the best line they can some up with is "Yeah, his d**k is definitely broken". disbeliefno

Just my thoughts

Warmest regards as always,




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Tonto, I absolutely agree! Have nothing to add. I've watched it and regret it. She looks haughty and rude in it. And I would be OK with that if it was just a character. But it was a cameo! So people will assosiate THIS with HER. I hope it was her last time in such a low-grade project.


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Umm calm down. I actually enjoyed it and I don’t think of her any different than I did before. I actually love her more for it. Also, then again, I’m 28 years old and this type of show/comedy is right up my ally, since I actually do watch this show every once and while. You are being a tad bit overy dramatic. This will not ruin her reputation. I feel like this is a bit more what Shania is actually like in real life. i don’t buy her squeaky clean imagine especially for someone who apparently curses like a sailor. Also, the multiple reviews that I read were quite positive. This is actually the first negative comment that I read.


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Tommy wrote:

I could care less about Shania's performance on iTunes. The fact is people are not interested and not buying her new songs. You guys can list all the reasons you want. But the REASON is they just don't like the songs. Period.

 I agree on the fact that her NEW official and even promo singles were not gaining sales digitally. This is the reality!

However, another reality, Shania is coming back and it's like starting over again and reintroducing herself. We need to analyze the market of top 3 artists on digital sales. If most of the sales came from generation y and generation z, that would mean they were very young or not even on earth when Shania accomplished that success! They don't know Shania! Perfect example is on her mentoring on The Voice. A contestant mentioned that her GRANDMA would be happy since her granddaughter is there with Shania. 

So my personal take on this chart thing, Shania is building her way up to gain these new generation fans who were now mostly in this modern age of digital. Taylor Swift gained that market and its not overnight. 



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Honeyimhome wrote:

Umm calm down. I actually enjoyed it and I don’t think of her any different than I did before. I actually love her more for it. Also, then again, I’m 28 years old and this type of show/comedy is right up my ally, since I actually do watch this show every once and while. You are being a tad bit overy dramatic. This will not ruin her reputation. I feel like this is a bit more what Shania is actually like in real life. i don’t buy her squeaky clean imagine especially for someone who apparently curses like a sailor. Also, the multiple reviews that I read were quite positive. This is actually the first negative comment that I read.

 I actually agree with you. I feel the exact same way, and I watched it and actually enjoyed it too, and I'm also 28 years old. I must admit, I have never really watched this show before, as I don't watch that much television anymore as much as I used to. In fact, if I do watch a show, I tend to just watch whatever I can find online, and that's about it. But I did watch this particular episode of Broad City just for Shania, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HER LINES IN THE EPISODE! I did not see anything wrong with what she said in the show. In fact, you can tell she's just having fun pretty much playing a fictional or (maybe a secretly real life) version of herself, to show that she can curse and she likes saying naughty words, despite the fact, she refrains from using such language in her songs, and I don't know about you, but I would actually welcome it, if Shania was to throw in a little F-bomb here and there in her lyrics, even if it just once. But considering it doesn't look like there's any (E)xplicit warning next to any of the songs on her new album NOW's track list, she didn't curse at all on this album, but I would find it pretty funny if she ever did in any future music projects, just saying. 

Oh, and I also want to point out, a few years ago country singer Brad Paisley made a cameo in the late Robin Williams sitcom called "The Crazy Ones" back in early 2014, where Brad kinda played a similar role that Shania just did for Broad City, where he pretty much played a fictional version of himself being kind of arrogant, ****y, and rude, and nobody complained about him, from what I know, Brad's fan base is pretty much still the same as it's always been, and he's still well loved by his fans of course, and I would say the same for Shania. smile


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in addition to the data shania's team has showing more a.c. favourability than country—plus her "key territories" mentioned in the music week story to not be the traditional country base—i'm certain other figures they're considering are previous chart performances. for instance, forever and for always, arguably the biggest success from her last album, debuted on a.c. charts may 10, 2003 and spent 6 non-consecutive weeks at #1 between november 15, 2003 and march 6, 2004. 10 months! and it was an additionally slow and steady climb for the song's performance on both billboard country and hot 100; the latter of which she's never in her career reached #1 and i doubt anyone would disagree that songs like man! i feel like a woman! (which peaked at #23 on hot 100, actually 3 spots lower than forever) are infinitely more significant to arts and culture than any given #1 song of recent years. certainly recent weeks… don't get me started…

my point is, i don't want to speculate about who's still interested in shania twain, who's buying her music, who's playing it, who's not, and how come. i just wanted to submit that historically she hasn't been an industry, musical chart, nor critical darling, and so we shouldn't expect any more or less after a 15 year absence. it's never an instant gratification with shania's sales, chart placements, and reviews, but rather a more enduring success. what she's established is longevity; that's her legacy, and there's more gratification in that, if you ask me.

oh, and as for swingin'… i'd also prefer if they held off till at least spring to push the single. but if they go forward, there's a, i don't know, grittiness (?) to the song's lyrics and production that aren't so out of place seasonally. besides "summer's here" is only the beginning of the story, the next verse says "i follow like a season…" and so whatever rollout strategy team shania goes with, i'm gonna trust they've weighed the options.



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aj1995 wrote:

in addition to the data shania's team has showing more a.c. favourability than country—plus her "key territories" mentioned in the music week story to not be the traditional country base—i'm certain other figures they're considering are previous chart performances. for instance, forever and for always, arguably the biggest success from her last album, debuted on a.c. charts may 10, 2003 and spent 6 non-consecutive weeks at #1 between november 15, 2003 and march 6, 2004. 10 months! and it was an additionally slow and steady climb for the song's performance on both billboard country and hot 100; the latter of which she's never in her career reached #1 and i doubt anyone would disagree that songs like man! i feel like a woman! (which peaked at #23 on hot 100, actually 3 spots lower than forever) are infinitely more significant to arts and culture than any given #1 song of recent years. certainly recent weeks… don't get me started…

my point is, i don't want to speculate about who's still interested in shania twain, who's buying her music, who's playing it, who's not, and how come. i just wanted to submit that historically she hasn't been an industry, musical chart, nor critical darling, and so we shouldn't expect any more or less after a 15 year absence. it's never an instant gratification with shania's sales, chart placements, and reviews, but rather a more enduring success. what she's established is longevity; that's her legacy, and there's more gratification in that, if you ask me.

oh, and as for swingin'… i'd also prefer if they held off till at least spring to push the single. but if they go forward, there's a, i don't know, grittiness (?) to the song's lyrics and production that aren't so out of place seasonally. besides "summer's here" is only the beginning of the story, the next verse says "i follow like a season…" and so whatever rollout strategy team shania goes with, i'm gonna trust they've weighed the options. 

 Ok. Good points. If Shania's team has wavered SWMEC as the second single, then what single would be pushed to country radio? Let's be honest, Shania's album is listed under the "country" genre on iTunes and all other digital forums that sell music. You can't deny that. She can't not release singles to country radio and still be considered "country" can she? If that were the case, it would appear that she was only labeling the album under the country forum for charting purposes only. I guess it is still early, but depending on what Shania will be performing on Ellen and the Late Late Show will be determined on when the next single will be released. If she does LATGG on both shows, then we can just assume that will be the only single to really impact this year, unless she has something up her sleeve. 

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